Reputation Review is the only available Italian magazine committed to Corporate Reputation. Every month we engage readers with cases-history, trends, industry’s forecasts and interviews from world corporate leaders, thinkers, game-changers and the overall Reputational Marketing discipline. The magazine is an effective knowledge distribution vehicle for Marketing and Communication Managers, PR Directors, Strategic Development Executives, and Organizations of all kinds operating in the private and public sectors. It delivers insights and visionary business concepts to entities willing to learn how to improve, monitor and protect their Corporate Reputation.
In the latest issue (entitled “Mother Earth”), we address the deep and meaningful relationship established between territory and entrepreneurship. In particular, we focus on the South of Italy areas, also looking at a few industrial development projects which are filled with extraordinary business ventures built on sustainable reputation values and well supported by strategic stakeholders.
All of this have been narrated through the voice (and the experience) of key executives such as Gilberto Pichetto (Deputy Minister for Economic Development of Italy), Brunello Cucinelli (CEO, Brunello Cucinelli), Alessandro Lunelli (Cantine Ferrari), Michele Pontecorvo Ricciardi(Ferrarelle mineral water), and many others.
Among them, we had the pleasure to meet Luca Valle, CEO of Home Italia, a project contractor and communication firm established in Milan (the world capital of the design culture) and with offices in the USA and China. During the interview with Luca we explored his take on how the Made in Italy design and furniture production sectors are currently perceived in the international markets. As known, Italy has always played a crucial role in dictating global trends, and thanks to Home Italia’s expertise and concrete activity in the industry, our readers have been able to discover both current perception and future prospects.