Hotel Indigo – Verona
The hotel reception and lobby was completely refurbished – with a new welcome desk inspired by the stonework of the famous Juliet Balcony.
Located on the Via Cappello, the Casa di Giulietta is the supposed building from the famous scene in Shakespeare’s play where Romeo Hails Juliet and she speaks to him from the balcony.
The rear panels behind the new reception were inspired by the staggered wings of a theater. Verona is famous for its Roman Arena and an amazing venue for staging so much Opera, Shakespeare and theatrical productions what could be better?
The colours are burnt bronze, and dark indigo blue and complimented with terrazzo finishes that imbue it with a distinct character.
The lighting is purely Italian and distinguished by its subtlety at accentuating the roman arches on the front of the reception pod.
The bar front plays with the idea of the Hotel Des Arts and is made of picture frames of varying shades. Topped with Italian Marble of course.
Furnishing are from Italian companies Miniforms and Tehkne and are in soft shades of blue and teal with accents of rattan and orange.
The artworks and mirrors that the hotel owns have been tastefully curated to give a dynamic and more modern realisation to the owners large collection of classic and mid-century pieces.
The new headboards became an important feature eleemnt within the new guestrooms with 3 types designed in all, with inspiration taken from famous Italian landscapes, the Castelvecchio castellations and Roman Arches. Colours are subtle and contemporary with indigo blue/green mixed with coral fabrics.