home italia
14 Settembre 2021

HOME Italia and China: an ever closer union


HOME Italia and JZ CASA – Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute signed an agreement of collaboration in an event hosted by DESIGN YRD. The greeting gala and ceremony of signing contract with HOME Italia were held in Hangzhou Creative Design Center, which received great support from the local government. The theme of the event was “HI!DESIGN” which led to two parts: “HI!ART” and “HI!LIFE” where a unique design event was carried on in Jiangnan District of China.

JZ CASA – Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute and HOME Italia were initially connected during Milan Design Week. Luca Valle, CEO of HOME Italia, has given a speech on introduction of its magazine and its importance in Europe, opening towards a bright future of cooperation within Chinese market.

Ms. Yu Ying, Representative of the Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute – JZ CASA introduced Jiangnan Design activities and the cooperation with HOME Italia about business plan in the China’s market and cooperation mode with designers. They signed a contract on business cooperation in greater China. A platform is now established for China-Italy design exchange and collaboration with which more talented and creative designers of both parties will be provided with better academic resources and opportunities to show their works. The collaboration between HOME Italia and Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute was based on a common agreement, to better integrating the resources of both parties by building the China-Italy design exchange and cooperation platform. In order to provide opportunities for more creative design talents to show and learn, Guang Xue International Design Training Institute will establish a branch in Milan, the headquarter of HOME Italia; at the same time HOME Italia will become a part of system in assisting in the recruitment of international students.




About Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute:

Since its establishment, Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute has been adhering to the concept of “Giving Voice to Design” and making continuous efforts within and outside design. To the outsides, actively it expands foreign exchanging channels, by building an international platform, promoting international exchange and cooperation in an all-round way, thus helping China design go to the world. Internally, it is committed to leading and training young designers to create an accelerator and incubation camp for them. Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute provides a comprehensive and advanced design courses for designers. Young designers represent the new era of China design and undertake extraordinary responsibilities. As young designers who are the backbone of the design industry, most of them have become senior designers and directors of their companies. They have certain design experiences, and many of them have entrepreneurial ability. They need to improve ability systematically and comprehensively and master various relative skills. These young designers are in urgent need of learning from some experienced design predecessors, so as to solve the rising confusion at different career stages.




2019.5.29日Home italia与(JZ CASA)光学设国际设计培训学院基于一种共同的理念达成合作,在一场由【设计江南】主办的活动中进行。



(JZ CASA)光学设国际设计培训学院与《Home italia》结缘于米兰设计周,本次活动也特邀其首席执行官来到现场。Home italia CEO首席执行官 Luca Valle 上台致辞,并向在场嘉宾详细介绍了《Home italia》这本杂志在欧洲的影响力。


(JZ CASA)光学设国际设计培训学院代表(于颖)女士介绍了设计江南活动及与HOME italia合作及在中国市场推广与设计师合作模式。

(JZ CASA)光学设国际设计培训学院于颖女士与Home italia CEO首席执行官 Luca Valle进行了《Home italia》大中华区合作签约,在搭建中意设计交流合作平台的同时,更好的整合双方资源,为更多有创新思想的设计人才提供展示和学习的机会.

当天的欢迎晚宴暨《Home italia》大中华区合作签约仪式”在杭州创意设计中心隆重举行,活动得到政府相关部门的大力支持。同时汇聚两岸三地诸多设计大咖与艺术家,还广纳意大利、新加坡等国际设计人士,倾力打造一场以设计师为主场的交流盛宴。


当天《Home italia》与光学设国际设计培训学院基于一种共同的理念达成合作。(JZ CASA)光学设国际设计培训学院与Home italia CEO首席执行官 Luca Valle进行了《Home italia》大中华区独家合作签约,在搭建中意设计交流合作平台的同时,更好的整合双方资源,为更多有创新思想的设计人才提供展示和学习的机会,同时光学设国际设计培训学院在意大利《HOME italia》米兰总部设立分院,HOME italia也将成为协助光学设招募国际学员进入我们的体系。


(JZ CASA)光学设国际培训学院介绍:

(JZ CASA)  Members of Guang Xue She International Design Training Institute:


光学设创始人 Leader/ Founder:

1、邱德光(台湾) T.K Chu( Tai Wan):

邱德光设计事务所创始人 Founder of T.K Chu design studio

T.KHOME德光居品牌总监 Director of T.K HOME

2、李永谦(台湾) Li Yong Qian( Tai Wan)

T.KHOME德光居总经理 General Manager of T.K HOME

3、于颖 Yu Ying

江南名师汇创始人&【设计江南】执行总监 CEO of Design Yard

金砖和府国际家居董事长    CEO of JZ CASA

5、丁云成 Ding Yun Cheng

金砖和府国际家居总经理 General Manager of JZ CASA

