It is 1970 when Rino Zari, a young craftsman with a passion for brass and casting, decided to base his future livelihood on his own creativity and capabilities.
He created in few years a small business which quickly entered the wider international market.
Thanks to the work done with the help of the most important Italian designers and architects and the constant inspiration given by the wonderful landscapes of the countryside between Siena and Florence the company has made many conquests and received numerous acknowledgements over the course of the years.
Soon the company created the new brand name “Cortezari” and opened the first Italian Shoopgallery, a mono-brand shop located close to Rome, obtaining immediately great results in terms of sales and corporate image.
Nowadays the second generation of the Zari family is working in the company involving completely itself in the development and contributing personally in the strong corporate image evolution.
Thanks to the will and the passion of a close and harmonious staff of collaborators and master craftsmen grown up in the traditional tuscan handicraft, the company has created a personal, refined and elegant worldwide recognized style. In a few years, guided by Simone Zari general director, the company achieved to expand the business abroad obtaining important results on the international market.
The cooperation with important design studios has also pushed CorteZari to invest on solutions to make life easier to architects and interior designers, thanks to the creations of a 3D models databank of our products, available on demand. This important company development has contributed to strengthen the brand image and awareness all over the world , so that currently Cortezari name is not only a brand but above all synonymous of quality, refined design, elegant atmosphere, 100% made in Italy.
It is 1970 when Rino Zari, a young craftsman with a passion for brass and casting, decided to base his future livelihood on his own creativity and capabilities.
He created in few years a small business which quickly entered the wider international market.
Thanks to the work done with the help of the most important Italian designers and architects and the constant inspiration given by the wonderful landscapes of the countryside between Siena and Florence the company has made many conquests and received numerous acknowledgements over the course of the years.
Soon the company created the new brand name “Cortezari” and opened the first Italian Shoopgallery, a mono-brand shop located close to Rome, obtaining immediately great results in terms of sales and corporate image.
Nowadays the second generation of the Zari family is working in the company involving completely itself in the development and contributing personally in the strong corporate image evolution.
Thanks to the will and the passion of a close and harmonious staff of collaborators and master craftsmen grown up in the traditional tuscan handicraft, the company has created a personal, refined and elegant worldwide recognized style. In a few years, guided by Simone Zari general director, the company achieved to expand the business abroad obtaining important results on the international market.
The cooperation with important design studios has also pushed CorteZari to invest on solutions to make life easier to architects and interior designers, thanks to the creations of a 3D models databank of our products, available on demand. This important company development has contributed to strengthen the brand image and awareness all over the world , so that currently Cortezari name is not only a brand but above all synonymous of quality, refined design, elegant atmosphere, 100% made in Italy.